The Whisper Within

" Believing that God powers strange coincidences and the journey that lies ahead."


The Whisper Within

What is the whisper within?

Some say we all have that little nagging voice that tells us right from wrong. It is the gut feeling you have deep inside your soul that something just isn’t right. Some call it a sixth sense or is it a sick sense? It is your conscience? Do you believe we all are born with a good and righteous morality? Or ethics? Are you capable of listening to your heart? To your soul? Do you believe in dreams? Or in signs?

So what is the whisper within?

I believe it something different. Something extraordinary.

Something that cannot be simply explained through a Google search or Wikipedia entry but through a life being led.

At this stage of my life, after journaling a decade of “strange coincidences”, I feel compelled to open the tattered, beat-up, spilled on, read and reread pages of my journals and share the recollections of “the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I Believe GOD powers strange coincidences and the journey called life. This will be a weekly blog of  stories that inspire hope, love, forgiveness, and anticipation of the joy that lies ahead.


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What a week in Santa Barbara. Record rainfall. Whipping wind. And gushing floods.

And just like the pouring rain, I was flooded with caring texts and calls inquiring about my safety.

I don’t have a beach-front cottage (even though I TRIED for six months to get one.) God had a different plan. He wanted me to wait for his plan, which was a cute little cottage on a hill with lemon and orange trees.

Because I live on the hill, I was safe in the storms. But not only did God provide for my safety but for love.

This past week was my birthday.

Anyone who knows me, knows I crave love like a deep-dish Chicago pizza. Boy oh boy, this week, God delivered a stuffed pizza with an extra amount of cheese. I was oozing, bubbling over with SO much love.

So many calls, texts, cards, and gifts were received.

I may not have a husband, but I have something better: a GOD who loves me, sees me, and provides me with an abundance amount of love and friendship.

He doesn’t let me settle for just one slice of the pizza, a.k.a. one man, but serves up a whole deep dish, Lou Malantis’s pizza, delivered to me fresh and hot every day.

But who knows, maybe, just maybe, I’m waiting for that perfect New York-style huge slice of pizza, that’s coming my way.

In the meantime, he fills me with complete contentment and simple joy.

Thank you GOD for ALL OF THIS!

You provide my needs.

What are you waiting for?

Can you be patient in the wait?

What can you be thankful for?

“God will meet all your needs.”Philippians 4:19

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The 2nd Annual “What If LOVE challenge. “10 cards in 10 days.”Will you join me? #Valentine’s Day

Friday, my ninety-year-old widowed client called me requesting money. I reviewed her investments and cash flow needs, and before I could hang up the phone, she said, “I love you, Lisa .”

My heart dropped. I responded,

“I love you too, Joan.”

I hung up the phone, humbled. Joan reminded me that don’t we all have the basic human desire to be loved.

I glanced at my calendar and thought, It’s almost Valentine’s Day. Time for the “What if love challenge.”

I walked uptown to pick up my work mail and bought some stamps. And not just any stamps but Valentine’s Day stamps.

For those of you who don’t know me, I am a sucker for love and not the puny Dum Dum suckers but more like the HUGE Charlie and The Chocolate Factory rainbow sucker type of love, and Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday.

I left the post office and mentally made a list of who I would send cards to. Joan, for sure.

So here it is. I am challenging all my Facebook Friends to send ten cards in the next ten days…AND SHARE THIS on their page.

If my 500 friends send ten cards, that is over 5,000 cards sent. If they share the “What If LOVE challenge,” the results could be endless.

So can you do your part? Send ten cards & share this post.

Think of ninety-year-old Joan; wouldn’t it be sweet to share love with someone who may be lonely?

Who knows? By giving love, you may feel love.

Who’s in? LET’S DO IT!

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

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You may recognize that I’m posting a lot more than I used to.

For three years, when I was suffering from Lyme disease, most mornings, I woke up feeling like I had the flu.

But finally. Finally, I am enjoying living in my neighborhood.

Here are some of the highlights of the week.

Kipper, chasing birds and the sunset.

The sunset from my front porch.

Tonight tree lighting in my neighborhood.

Tonight, as I walked home, I felt God whisper to me, saying, “I love you, Lisa.”

Some call Santa Barbara heaven on earth. I have to agree.

I am truly amazed by the goodness of God!

What can you be grateful for?

feel free to comment.

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If you need a Friday giggle.

This morning. I saw I had a missed call from my 97-year-old client

I called her back and she answered clear as day.

We talked about her investments, and then she asked me,”Are you married yet?”

I said no and she responded, “I’ve been praying for you for over twenty some years. I told God I don’t understand why you haven’t brought Lisa husband by now. What are you OVERWORKED?”

I giggled.

Then she added, “I’m still gonna keep praying. It’s never too late.”

Helen is amazing at 97!

I love that she has been persistent in prayers for 20 years. Who can you pray for? Can you be persistent like Helen ?

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This morning I searched for a word document for a client, and ran ironically across a file labeled Thanksgiving.

I opened the file. And a memory was sparked.

Thanksgiving 2016. My first Thanksgiving in California.

My daughter, Tarah, brought home college students who couldn’t make it back to their oversea home.

Since the table was going to be filled with ultimate strangers, I gave everyone the below questions ( scroll down ) and told them to choose to respond to all of them or at least one of them.

Not only was my table stuffed with the traditional dinner, but it was filled giggles and smiles.

Even if you don’t have strangers around your table, I think these questions may be fun to do with family members, you have known all your life.

Give it a shot! Make up your own. Why be boring? May the conversation be overflowing, silly, and JOYFUL!

PSALM 118:24 (ESV)

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

What are you grateful for?

What are you proudest of?

What’s been the happiest moment of your life so far?

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

How would you describe yourself as a child? Were you happy?

Who has been kindest to you?

How do you want to be remembered?

If your great great grandchildren could listen to this years from now: is there any wisdom you’d want to pass on to them? What would you want them to know?

If you could honor one person in your life — living or dead — by listening to their story, who would that be, what would you ask them and why?

PSALM 118:24 (ESV)

This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.


Such a wonderful weekend in Chicago, visiting my sister and my dad.

At 90 he is doing well and was happy. It was a good reminder to sing more… And dance more.( click on arrow for video)

Be filled with JOY.

I am grateful for this SWEET time with my dad.

“Gray hair is a mark of distinction, the award for a God-loyal life.” Proverbs 16:31


NEED HOPE? Tired of being patient? THEN read on!

A client, hope, house, and a happily ever after!

Today, I received a call from Judy, a client. From the sound of her voice, she was bursting with joy.

She wanted to let me know that soon she would be updating her address because she was moving right next door to another client of mine, her best friend.

Then, she shared the story with me.

“When I was sixty-five and retired, Karen and I always thought it would be fun if we had townhouses right next door. There was only one problem. A cute 90-year-old lady named Ann lived there. “

I encouraged her to continue telling the story.

“Well, Ann turned 90 and 95, then 101, and finally at 103, her family decided that she needed more care and moved her into assisted living.”

“Wow! “ that’s a story, I exclaimed.

Judy said,” Wait, Lisa. That’s not the end of the story. In the last year, Ann, the 104-year-old who grew up on a farm, said,’ It’s time to go back to the farm.’ She died shortly after, and now I have bought her home and now have my dream!”

I exclaimed, “ Now that’s a story!”

“ Yes, patience paid off, and it’s been worth the wait! Even at 80!”

So I ask you today, what are you waiting for?

Are you putting all your hopes, dreams, and thoughts on what you’re hoping for OR on God who can answer prayers?

Be patient in the wait!

God knows what he is doing!

HAVE HOPE! Let hope spring eternal!

“But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” Romans 8:25

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Feeling discouraged?

Need hope?

Kipper feeling discouraged 🫤

Wishing you could just call God and get direction, comfort, or blessing?

Well, look up!

Kipper and I ran across this phone booth on our walk downtown this morning.

I entered the booth and found this.

FREE Calls.

I pressed *10 to get God’s Blessing.

Talking to God can be this easy!

Here’s how I talk to God. “ Hey, God. It’s me, Lisa. Here’s what is going on.”

He wants us to talk to him like a best friend.

Hope may be a call away.


Psalm 145:18 “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”


This morning I sat on my front porch before church and asked God, “I want to hear you but lately I’m not.”

I took a sip of coffee and asked, “How do you want to use me today? Who do I need to pray for?”

I know this will sound strange, but a name came to my mind, Marit.

I finished my coffee, was walking my dog Kipper, and received a text from my friend Cindy that read,”Not sure if you heard but Marit fell and broke her collar bone in three places. Had to have surgery. She is home recovering.”

I quickly called Cindy and was updated on our friend.

After catching up with Cindy, I called Marit and explained that this morning, it was pressed on my heart, like a voice whispering to me from God, to pray for her.

She burst into tears and said, “I can’t believe that I’m receiving this call all the way from California. This can only be explained as God.”

Both of us felt encouraged that God sees us, listens to us, and truly intervenes for us if we surrender and ask him for his help.

How does GOD want to whisper to you?
Are you willing to ask and wait for his small whisper?


God always has a BETTER plan!

My marriage failed.
God taughted me to be happy alone.

My ex became a paraplegic and I worried about my kids affording college.
They both graduated debt-free.

I could not get a job after being a stay at home mom.
I now run my own successful wealth management firm for the last 20 years.

I wanted to remarry back when I lived in Illinois. Instead, God gave me the freedom to move to California.

Trust and surrender that he has your plan and is happy to do a “ do-over” if right now your life is a mess.


“God is able to do far more than we could ever ask for or imagine. “
Ephesians 3:20-21 NIRV

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Eight years ago a huge truck was packed. A cab backed out of my driveway, and my daughter Tarah turned and took one final photo of our Chicago house.

I never thought as a single mom, I could do it!

Actually my son, Jake, said, “Seriously LISA! I didn’t think you would have the balls to do it !”

I can’t believe I really jumped to California 🥰

“ For I know the plans I have for you are for good and not for evil but to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11


I love the unexpected ♥️
Yesterday I had coffee with Jake & Tarah’s second grade teacher, Carrie ♥️

This beautiful soul loved on my kids during a fragile time of their life, after my divorce and their dad’s tragic accident💔
I am so thankful that Carrie uses her gifts to serve others for the glory of God!
Who can you serve ?
Who can you thank for helping you on your journey ?

1 Peter 4:10-11
“ Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. “


I am at O’Hare airport headed back to California, scrolling through my phone looking at pictures from my time here in Chicago.

There were sweet times; dinner with Tarah, (who flew in from New York) Jake, and meeting Mika, Jake’s girlfriend, for the first time.

As I look at this photo, I am remembering the simple but sweet mile walk on Michigan Avenue, holding hands, sharing giggles, and smirks.

I study the photo and think My kids. My babies are adults. They are living their best life.

I scroll through more pictures on my phone and think My clients. So happy I was able to see them too. They are family to me.

I hear an announcement over the loudspeaker, “Passengers headed to Charlotte, boarding will begin in ten minutes.” That’s not my flight.

I look down at my phone and scroll through some more pictures. My heart pounds a little bit quicker remembering the reason for my trip to Chicago. Dad.

My dad turned ninety this week.

I smile as I scroll through the pictures of his birthday party.

Dad, all smiles, with his girls.
Dad and his kids, unfortunately because of an emergency, Roger couldn’t make it.
Grandpa and his grandkids, missing five of his grandkids. (11 total)
Grandpa with seven of his great grandkids, and the eleventh is on the way.

I scroll through more pictures, tears form in my eyes, my mouth quivers, and I think Dad has really had a wonderful life.

An announcement comes over the intercom, “Passengers on flight 2665, we are ready to board.”

I stand up, pull my rollerboard forward, It was a sweet week but a hard week too. I’m headed home.

“…So that it may be well with you, and that you may live long on the earth.” Ephesians 6:3


Today was a huge day ! I had my annual checkup and received a clean bill of health!

Blood pressure normal, check.

Weight normal, check.

In fact, my doctor after reviewing my labs, said, “I would pay good money to have your cholesterol results.”

He scrolled down the computer screen and reviewed my medication’s and asked, “ No medications?”

With a smirk I quipped, “Nope!”

“How did you do this Lisa?”

I smiled and gave him the quick history lesson.

Eight years ago this was me.

I was sick with Lyme disease. I lost weight. At five feet six inches I only weighed 105 pounds.

My body burned like a match and vibrated like I was plugged into an electric socket.

Most mornings, I woke up feeling like the flu.

There was no “ sassy pants Lisa” as my Chicago friends like to call me.

For years, I tried every medication, IV concoction, and supplement to try and get better.

So today I think it is time to pull the Sassy pants out of the closet. I am happy ! I am healthy ! I am healed! GOD has healed me!

“Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” ~ Jeremiah 17:14


My sweet dog Kipper never fails to greet me with kiss, EVERYDAY . Within seconds of seeing me, I am covered in wet kisses. She shares her JOY freely without hesitation or conditions.

Why isn’t this true for me with all people? I know for me I’m guilty of holding on to past disappointments, rude interactions, and sad memories.

Blame it on the human brain storing memories whereas Kipper’s brain starts with a clean slate every day.

She doesn’t hold a grudge if I’m late, feeding her dinner, or maybe skipping a morning walk.

Sometimes I know I have felt justified for holding on to the extra baggage of past interactions, after all THEY hurt me. THEY were “not nice.”

But today I FELT differently. Maybe I was at fault too. Today I thought WHAT IF, I could store the baggage away and start fresh? I could wait for THEM to change or pray THEY change. But maybe the change needs to begin with me.

Heck, if Jesus could kiss Judas and greet him by calling him friend, why can’t I ?

I know I can’t do this on my own so YES, I am asking God to help me love like Jesus… or at least let me love like Kipper. Slobber and all.

“But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.” Philippians 3:14

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As a follow-up to a previous post, sometimes you have to buy the Pink dress!
We have had lots of gloomy days here in Santa Barbara, but last Sunday was nothing but sunshine celebrating the happy couple.

“… And when my days are happy pink it’s good to dance and just not think.”

May God bless you with sunshine today! Happy Sunday !

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Are you feeling stuck or lost? Or restless?

Have hope! God may be moving you in a new direction.

Through my divorce, the accident, being financially broke,the lawsuit from my ex’s second wife, my home burglary, and then my sickness, I never gave up hope because I knew GOD was with me .

Never did I think God was moving me from Chicago to California.
He had the plan for me & HE does for YOU!

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Last night I saw The Cure in Concert!

With just one note of the song, Pictures of You, I was 19 years old again, transported back to the sticky beer-drenched basement of the Delta Sig house at WIU, dancing in a circle with my Tau sorority sisters.

Hit arrow! Play video

Funny, as I think of that girl, I was so hopeful. Full of life.

Is there a song or a band who does that for you? I would love to hear. Please comment.

Are you stuck in a sticky season?

We all have a chance to be 19 years old again.

To be hopeful is The Cure.

What is God whispering to you?

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace.” Romans 15:13


Happy Sunday! Before church, I sip my coffee and thank God for the usual:

My kids



The beach

I take another sip WAIT! My health!

I almost forgot, for years, I was so sick. Every morning I woke up like I had the flu, feeling like I was plugged into an electric socket being shocked, and burning like a match. I only weighed 105pounds! I was miserable.

But NO LONGER! Yesterday I found myself skipping the streets of Santa Barbara with a friend. As we walked by a vintage shop, a pink dress caught my eye. I threw a smirk at her and said. “What are you wearing to the wedding?”

I tried on the dress. I bought the dress.

Yes it is obnoxiously pink!

I could wear a dress from my closet, but just like the pink dress, I’m in a new season of cotton candy fun.

It could be sweet or sticky but I am willing to indulge in the gooey messiness.

What about you?

Dance more! Be silly more!

Buy the pink dress!

Ecclesiastes 9:7 “Seize life! …God takes pleasure in your pleasure! Dress festively every morning. Don’t skimp on colors and scarves.”


To all the mothers, Happy Mother’s Day! This was one of my first Mother’s Day. 

Never did I think that a few short years later, I would be a single mom and solely responsible for my children.

There had to be a greater purpose, a greater plan. 

I think it was God’s plan to help equip me to become a better financial advisor; to learn empathy for others who struggle.

The question for you is how can your weaknesses and/ or experiences be used to serve others?

Are you willing to be used?

“So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them the same help and comfort that God has given us.” 2 Corinthians 1:4


Today a dear servant of God has passed, Dr. Charles Stanley.My heart is broken yet I am smiling, thinking of him being with Jesus.

The first book I read of his was WAITING ON GOD. Through this book, Dr. Stanley taught me how to meditate, get in God’s word, wait for his direction and listen for the prompting of the Holy Spirit or as I like to call it The Whisper Within.

My life has been anything but easy. My ex became a paraplegic 20 years ago when I had two little kids.

Through waiting on God and listening for his direction, God orchestrated a life that I can’t even imagine and I’m so grateful for.

So so thankful that nightly I could watch Charles Stanley’s YouTube sermons. His soft voice gave me peace and his words of wisdom gave me daily direction.

My favorite quote of his was,”Obey God and leave all the consequences to him.”

Charles will continue to make disciples of all nations through his ongoing ministry!

Praise God! I can only imagine Jesus welcoming him at the gate and saying, “Hello Charles! My good & faithful servant !”

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Today is another rainy day in…opps, I almost wrote Chicago. Santa Barbara. I feel like I am back living in the Windy City instead of sunny California.

Work finished so I made a pot of chicken soup to feel right at home.

Chicken soup for the soul.

As the soup simmered, I listened to a podcast, “How do I know if I’m hearing God?” by one of my favorite pastors, Charles Stanley.

I know many of you have asked me, how do I hear God or as I say, hear the Whisper Within?

Well, if you want to know, then listen to the podcast. The link is below.

I love that Charles Stanley says ( not to discourage attending church),“ Why go to church and spend an hour and walk away with nothing? That’s a bad investment. But what about spending an hour and having God pour truth into your life.”

Church can be like a party where you don’t know anyone there so you may end up feeling more lost, more alone.

Or it can be like attending a concert to a musician that you don’t know the music.

The best way to get to know a new musician is to listen quietly or dance silly in your own home, before experiencing the big concert.

You would not attend a concert to Death Cab for Cutie, if you knew none of the music, so why would you go to church if you don’t already have a relationship with God?

How do you get a relationship with God? Well like listening to new music, you play around with it.

So how do you start listening to this NEW ARTIST and dabble in His music? I’m gonna make it easy; start with Proverbs or with the Psalms. I started reading the Psalms when I was sad and the Proverbs when I needed direction.

Then once you experience God on your own, there’s nothing better than being in a big community of other “concert goers” who love Death Cab for Cutie, or God, just the way you do.

Make yourself some chicken soup, relax and put your feet up, grab a Bible, and ask God to speak to your heart.

And Listen to the Whisper Within.

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “LORD, I am coming.” Psalm 27:8

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February 23, 2003

It is not until tragedy strikes that we search for answers, pray, and seek hope to guide us.

I feared that a whisper might either paralyze or propel me. One call would define my courage or my destruction.

I can still hear the phone call. It clings to my memory like the ivy on the brick walls of Wrigley Field. That was twenty years ago.

“Hello, Lisa.”

“Hello? Hello? I’m sorry. I can’t hear you.” 

I lunge at the door and step outside The Timber Ridge Lodge and Waterpark in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. A bitter wind punches my cheeks.

Hello, Lisa?”

“I can hear you now, Marie.”

“Lisa, there has been a terrible accident! It’s Dan. A helicopter has airlifted him to Minnesota. They’re hoping they can save him!”

 “What? What did you say?” 

 “Danny’s fighting for his life.”

 “What? What happened?” 

“It was a snowmobile accident. I know this must be hard on you since you and my son just divorced.”

That was twenty years ago today.

It was a devastating day for my ex, the father of my children, as he became a paraplegic and had to be brave to live a challenging life.

That phone call changed everything. It became my rock bottom.

Me, Tarah, & Jake

But today, twenty years later, I’m thankful for rock bottom.

No matter what happened to me, I believed that God had a plan for my life.

Being broke.

Being single.

Being robbed.

Being sick.

All the waiting.

Waiting for work.

Waiting for love.

Waiting for the kids to grow up.

Waiting to move.

I grieved. I hurt. But I laughed too. It wasn’t an easy life but I didn’t do it alone.

God was with me, day by day, every step of the way.

I do believe in my heart that God worked on Dan’s behalf too by saving his life on that snowbank.

I walk my neighborhood, tip up my straw hat and look up at the sky. You did it. You moved me here. You knew what you were doing. You had the plan all along, didn’t you?

I do not hear the Whisper Within but I FEEL IT! ( Be sure to read my t-shirt in the picture. This was a lovely gift from my sweet friend Peggy.)

God had the plan and turned all my crises into contentment and blessed me more than I could imagine.

A smile covers my face as I think of my good friends who walked with me and brought light into some of my darkest days. ( Too many of you to mention)

I look up at the sky and whisper You are so so good to me!

Can you trust that God has the plan when your circumstances seem hopeless?

“Now faith is being certain of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”—Hebrews 11:1.

“Wait on the Lord. Be strong and take courage. Yes, wait, and he will help you.” Psalm 27:14